The covaids jabberwonky was developed for two reasons:
1 - Provide all citizens of th world with a portable, biometrically digital ID (ID2020) and connect people to the cloud / blockchain.
Self replicating graphene oxide Hydrogel is harvesting the hemoglobin (a type of iron oxide) from the blood in order to construct a network in the body that can communicate with mobile networks. You basically become a network device that can communicate with cell towers, RFID, Bluetooth etc.
Hydrogel, a DARPA invention is a chip resembling a soft contact lens made from graphene oxide (GO), the smallest, strongest and best conductor of electricity known to man. graphene oxide Hydrogel has the conductivity to connect with smart devices, the cloud and AI. Measuring one atom, graphene oxide is the primary element of hydrogel. Each dose of the injection contain 15,000,000,000 self replicating nanobots contained within the graphene oxide Hydrogel, having the ability to disassemble or reassemble.
2 - Population reduction / deliberate extermination of a specific group of people.
The mRNA produces spike proteins that specifically targets people with blood type 0 via shedding. People with other blood types get infected as well but have very little health issues.
Take a look at the global blood type map:
Is it a coincidence that the CCCP programmed the mRNA code that way? [show less]
KERRY MULLIS inventor of the PCR Test said the test was never meant for this use and ended up dead shortly after coming out
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